Friday, November 4, 2011

The Simmons, Timmons, and Watkins Families

A few weeks ago we were finally able to do a photo shoot we've been trying to schedule for months. With a busy family like this one, scheduling was a challenge, but once we all got together, we had a great shoot.

Bloggers, meet the Simmons gang.

This is my Aunt Jackie, Uncle Tommy, their daughters Jennifer and Kari, and their husbands, Wayne and Grant and kids, Ashley, Justice, Ila Beth, Eden, Fuller, and Grey. Quite a crew!

Here's a great shot of the whole crew. I was amazed that we actually got everyone looking at the camera and smiling on the first shot!
Kari, Grant and Grey on the left... Jennifer, Wayne, Ashley, Justice, Ila Beth, Eden and Fuller on the right.
This is a really cute one of all Tommy and Jackie's grandchildren. Love this picture!
It all started with these two.

The girls...

 and the boys...