Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Dr. Stan Ballard Crusade Volleyball Tournament

Two of our days in Mwingi were spent helping at a volleyball tournament. We had sent money ahead to set up the volleyball field and to prepare food for the students who would be playing in the tournament. While we were there, we got to spend some time with the volleyball players and people in the community who had gathered to watch the games. We shared some gospel tracts with some of the older ones and gave salvation bracelets to the young children. They also asked us to say a few words to each of the teams who made it to the final round in each division.

Cheryl Hoke takes everything in at the volleyball field.

This is the final game of the girls' division. The team on the right won. Notice the team on the left is wearing Williams jerseys. Those were donated by Williams Baptist College and delivered by another mission group last year.

These guys were some seriously good volleyball players!

All the weird Americans trying to document the crazy Kenyan volleyball talent.

Amazing how high they could jump wearing just flip-flops! Some of them were even barefoot or only wearing socks and they could still spike it.


  1. Post is pretty impressive about to spent helping at a volleyball tournament,also the pictures are just magnificent.

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  2. Amazing how high they could wearing just flip-flops! Some of them were even barefoot or only wearing socks and they could still spike it.

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